Feel free to browse through my photos below. You can click on any image thumbnail to expand it.
All of these images come from Rod's album. Most have not got any caption so I'm not sure exactly what they are. If a caption exists it has been included. I would be pleased to hear from you if you can name or positively identify any of the images.
Copyright of Photos
Although all of these photos appear in Rod's album and many will have been taken by him some may be "Official" photos and copyrights owned by others.
I have included this image because it is of historical interest. It is the printout from an "Airgraph" In the text below is an explanation of the Airgraph. During World War II, the Airgraph was developed to enable soldiers in the field to communicate more quickly and reliably with their family and friends at home. The sender would write their message on the message side of the form and submit it for processing. The form would be processed and a microfilm image created. A film strip with up to 10,000 airgraphs would then be sent via air to its destination. In the event the strip were lost, another would be copied from the original. Once received, reduced size (about half-size) prints would be made and these sent to their destination in cover envelopes. Sometimes the service would be unavailable and the original forms would be sent to the addressee. Such mailed forms are thus a form of aerogramme or airletter. The address below is where I got the above information from. http://www.aerogramme.com/exhibits/Airgraphs/overview.html